The Link Between Generosity and Quality of Life


How are you doing?

The month of December is the month of gifts. But beyond, the act of giving a gift resides the symbolic aspect of generosity. You receive everything you have from the infinite source of abundance, the origin of infinite possibilities. The best way to grow and be blessed in life is to give back what you have received. The more generous you are, the more prosperous you will be. By spreading abundance around you, you become more abundant.

Love God with everything you have and with all your heart. If you say you love God, show that by honoring him with your belongings, your materials resources, your money, your time, and energy. It is symbolic. God does not need your money. It is a way for Him to assess whether you are ready for abundance. God is willing to give you more than enough. Only the one who trusts God will receive His blessing.

As a rule, you receive more than what you give. If you plant a grain of corn, you get more than a grain during the harvest time, do you not? You get many grains. Put God first and everyone else after as God is the source of your abundance and the harvest of your life. The fact that you give to God first is a demonstration of your faith and love for Him. God can take care of your bills. He is just testing whether you trust him.

Once you honor God, give to your family, friends, and neighbors. Giving to other people is an act of love. You show that you listen to them, acknowledge their needs, know them better, and become closer to them. It is not only about money. You could give people your attention, your time, your talents, your knowledge, your advice, and your counsel. Sometimes people just need a loving and non-judgmental ear.

We can be more willing to give joyfully and cheerfully when we understand the link between generosity and the quality of our lives.

I hope this blog post was useful to help you in your maturity and betterment process.

Kind regards,

Dr. Joseph Adrien Emmanuel Demes, MD, MPH, Ph.D. (c),

Medical Doctor, Professor, Researcher, and Spiritual Leader,

The author of the book “How to Improve the Quality of Your Life? A Comprehensive Approach and Guide to Well-Being.”

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Dr. Joseph Adrien Emmanuel Demes is a Medical Doctor, Professor, and Researcher.

He is the author of the book "How to Improve the Quality of Your Life? A Comprehensive Approach and Guide to Well-Being".

He is also a spiritual leader helping people connect to the real source of abundance, joy, and well-being.

As a medical doctor, he is someone who is compassionate, has empathy. He is willing to help people change their lives for the better, thrive, and reach their full potential.